UPVC stands for UNPLASTICIZED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE; its chemical compound consists of carbon, chloride, and hydrogen.
One should understand the fact that UPVC is different from PVC. UPVC will not be treated with chemicals. There are several benefits associated with UPVC windows and doors.
They can be used in residential as well as commercial establishments without any issues. The range of windows you can attempt with UPVC include fixed glazing, folding window, tilt function, lift & slide, casement, sliding window, turn function, and many more combinations.
COST of UPVC WINDOWS: Rs 600 to 1200 / SQ FT.
UPVC is a special type of chemical compound. It is produced under control chemical reaction and controlled temperature and pressure. Lasting properties are induced in this process. The material can be used in the manufacture of doors and windows. Eco-Friendly doors offer many advantages.
The manufacturing process is straightforward. You can take advantage of lasting solutions. There will be the highest level of satisfaction; high corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and resistance to exhaust fumes will be offered in the best possible way.
One can manage insulated double glazing with UPVC windows when you choose UPVC; you can effortlessly address functionality and aesthetics.
- It is very economical to go for UPVC windows. UPVC advantages are that it’s cheaper than Teak wood. It is possible to manufacture windows very easily, and the process is simpler than timber.
. - When you depend upon UPVC to produce doors and windows, you will not resort to deforestation. When you use timber, deforestation will take place.
. - UPVC windows have heat-resistant properties. They are weather-resistant as well as noise resistant. The material offers strong resistance to air, water, and storm. It can withstand strong sunlight as well. Even though these windows are exposed to the worst weather conditions, there will not be any change in their properties.
. - You can manage UPVC windows for many years without any issues. They require deficient maintenance. Hence, it is a great choice for residential as well as commercial buildings.
. - UPVC grants you great acoustic properties. The outdoor noise will be filtered in the best possible way not to be any issues. You can effortlessly tolerate disturbing sounds. One can offer comfortable living conditions for your family when you opt for UPVC.
. - There will be remarkable water tightness with UPVC windows. Hence, there will not be water filing between joints. You can take advantage of the fire-resistance property of UPVC.
. - The product is ideal in coastal areas as the salt content in UPVC is 57%. Termites cannot destroy the material so that you can make the most of your investment. Drafts and water leaks are eliminated through fusion-welded construction.
. - You can take advantage of outstanding thermal and mechanical properties with UPVC material. It can consider UPVC windows as the latest and best windows at the moment.
. - By choosing these windows, you can address the aesthetics of your house in a very efficient way. There will be great internal change as well as external change with these windows.
. - Sound reduction, thermal insurance, security, and safety are some of the best properties associated with these windows. There are exciting many design options with these windows.
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- One of the UPVC disadvantages is that they are light in weight; they cannot be installed in prime locations. The weather-proof properties are inferior to wooden and aluminium windows.
. - One will get a simple plastic look. Hence, they are not very attractive until you opt for wood grain UPVC, which will be 30% cheaper than the plain one.
. - The frame will be reinforced with metal. Getting spare parts will be difficult. You should purchase products from a reputed concern so that a steady supply of spares and repairs will be done as per the agreement.
. - There are plenty of advantages with UPVC windows. The repair and disassembly are very difficult. The material might crack or warp when it is exposed to extreme weather conditions.
. - In most cases, no repainting is required. However, the white color UPVC will discolor, and it will turn into a yellow or pink tinge, in which case, it will appear very ugly.
. - The product is not suitable for high-rise buildings such as skyscrapers. To have UPVC double glazed window, you should go for a complete replacement.
. - If designers are designing your rooms, you might not have the same flexibility as you will enjoy with other kinds of materials.
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- Good quality UPVC durability is very high. The doors and windows will remain in the same condition for many years. UPVC windows demonstrate extraordinary strength. There will be excellent performance, and you can use them for many years without any issues.
. - There is no scope for corrosion or rot with UPVC windows. If you go for wooden or iron windows, there will be deterioration of the material over a period.
. - With prolonged exposure to extreme climatic conditions, there will be a change in the properties of wood, iron, and other materials. This situation will not arise with UPVC.
. - UPVC windows are durable enough to withstand heavy wind blow as well. One can confidently deploy these windows in areas where there is exposure to strong winds.
. - Heavy rainfalls will not harm these windows. One can deploy windows made up of UPVC in structures close to the sea.
. - The product has resistance to aging, seawater, and good sound dampening properties. There will not be any condensation or thermal expansion. The ecologically sound material can be recycled to the extent of 100%.
. - The structural integrity of UPVC windows is very low. It is one of the main disadvantages of the material. One will want to reinforce UPVC with other materials such as aluminium and steel.
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- UPVC maintenance of windows is very low. There are no requirements for regular painting with these windows. The material has weather-resistant properties. It will not be affected by any weather conditions.
. - Simple cleaning is sufficient enough to maintain the product. You will not want to go for expensive maintenance, and all your needs will be fulfilled in a very efficient way.
. - You will not want to paint the material. No sanding and no warping are required to maintain these windows. There will be a multi-point locking system. Hence, the safety aspect is addressed to the full potential extent.
. - You can manage contemporary and versatile styles with UPVC windows. When you go for a contemporary and stylish solution, there will be noise reduction and low maintenance. You can achieve a UW value of 2.2 with standard double glass as you go for tilt and turn window systems.
. - You can maintain your windows in a very efficient way so that they will cool your home in summer, and the heat retention will take place during winter.
. - It is very important to choose a well-established brand in the market so that you can execute maintenance contracts without any issues as there will be a steady supply of raw materials from the manufacturer.
. - The repairs can be done per your needs even though you go for cost-effective solutions; there will not be any compromise on aesthetics.
. - Before placing an order for UPVC windows, you should speak to a technical expert to resolve all your issues. The most appropriate design and size can be chosen to decorate your structure, and the functionality will also be addressed effortlessly.
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- If you are looking for a cost-effective option, you should go for UPVC windows. You can manufacture windows with recyclable material. Thus, you will not contribute towards environmental pollution.
. - The existing natural resources will be safeguarded, and there will be the highest level of satisfaction. UPVC will protect your privacy.
. - The indoor sound will be kept intact, and there will be great satisfaction. If thermal insulation is the top-most priority, you can choose these windows without any issues.
. - The heat loss will be shallow during the winter season. The heat gain will be opposed during the summer season. Thus, you can manage year-round air conditioning and temperature control without any issues if you would like to customize windows as per your needs.
. - UPVC is the best option. You can go for customization to the extent of 100%. It is possible to manage your personal needs and preferences in a very efficient way.
. - The maintenance cost is very low with UPVC windows. The cost of the material is very low as there are many companies on the market.
. - One can also purchase UPVC windows in wood grain and various colored finishes. You will be able to manage the same finish that you get with wooden windows. It is possible to get different colors on the inner and outer surfaces of the material.
. - It has become a regular option to build new homes with UPVC material. You can reduce the outdoor noise by combining a UPVC frame with various glass combinations.
. - If you are going for new construction or would like to renovate your property, you can consider UPVC windows to be a significant change in ambiance.