Akrama Sakrama Bangalore Know about the rules of Akrama Sakrama bill violations

Akrama Sakrama bill for legalization of illegal land and building construction


The city of Bangalore is famous all over India as a high-tech city. The best numbers of IT personals are seen to build their residing abode here.

But the most shocking fact is that 80% of the entire buildings of Bengaluru have specific violations. Most of the owners of the buildings are seen to violate the rules of buildings knowingly or unknowingly.

In this extreme condition, the need for enacting a special resolution was strongly felt seriously by the Government of Karnataka a long time before, restrain the practice of occupying the illegal land and the constructions in the unapproved areas.

In the interim, a bill named Akrama Sakrama was generally proposed and passed in 2007 to take the situation under control.


With the bill’s commencement, many political parties are started together to bring the bill effective in its forms. Akrama Sakarama bill is actually an amendment to various acts, including Karnataka Town and the country act, which results in Karnataka town and country planning rules.

The bill is considered one-time regularisation of a whole gamut of by-laws, starting from building deviations and up to the illegal constructions to change in land usage in urban areas. Many intrigued regulations of them are seen to change the severe implications to the city’s points and citizens than others.

Proposed bill for Akrama Sakrama for residential and commercial buildings

The Governor has seen to take special care, and he sent back the bill twice with the suggestion that the Government should re-frame some of the present rules.

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Also, a time frame is drafted without the provision for expansion. Still, they ensure that the scheme will not help the real estate mafia and have no prominently any room for changing residential buildings into full commercial buildings.


After tough deals over more than the last three years, the Governor has approved the controversial bill with specific and certain riders. His important conditions on the sanction will also include reframing the active rules by the government before the commencement of implementation.

He enquired the government not to legalize more than 50% and the properties related to 25% of the violation. As architects, we make sure that the given residential house plans in Bangalore will not violate any bylaws which the proposed site comes across.

After a prolonged discussion and a study of the related cause and effects, the bill has come to its final shape to incorporate researched statistics within its statements.

The bill brought more than 8 lakh buildings alone in Bangalore and 6 lakh violators in the other corners. After its execution, it is expected that the scheme will generate up to 5000 Cr, minimum as revenue to the government of Bangalore and near about the related sum to other states.

The Governor consents to approve the bill to the benefit of both the people and the authority. The best relaxation of this bill was, after its implementation, more than 5 lakh site owners in the city will be able to their very own khatas for their properties.

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