A KHATA Bangalore | A KHATA Certificate Bangalore | A Khata BBMP

What is A Khata Property / A Khata Certificate..?

Khata is a legal document used for paying taxes with the municipality. The person or the owner in whose name the property is owned is identified as the person liable to pay tax. As an Architectural firm, we feel it’s important to educate a client and make them understand the different Khata options available and the pros & cons of A Khata and B khata.

Khata is not a title deed and is an assessment of property for paying tax so that a record is maintained with the authorities.

The importance of Khata is seen when the owner applies for water connection, electricity and trade and building licenses. If it is BBMP A Khata property in Bangalore, then the Owner has very little to worry about as it is established that the person possesses property that the government approves, and the building is not illegal in any way.

This differentiation arose because previously, the B.B.M.P found that the illegal construction in and around Bangalore was also enjoying all the municipality’s amenities without paying any taxes.

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BBMP issues a Khata Certificate

In the case of A Khata property, it stands to enjoy current and any future benefits that the government may proclaim and these are not allowed for B Khata properties. You will also come to know that if you own property in A Khata account, you are under B.B.M.P’s jurisdiction.

It must be remembered that the B.B.M.P stands for Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike and is responsible for the civic and infrastructural assets of the Greater Bangalore metropolitan area.

See also  B KHATA Bangalore | B Khata Property in Bangalore | What is B Khata Certificate / Sites

These areas of planned development and hence even if you have been allotted B Khata, you must make sure to convert the same to A Khata to avail of any benefits.

Of late, the High Court has passed an order demanding identification number to all properties irrespective of whether they are A Khata or B Khata and not just meant for tax purpose only. This verdict may create a lot of changes, yet it may take time to be implemented.

Why is A Khata Important for Property Owners of Bangalore..?

The Khata, which literally means the account, has been a bane for Bangalore’s property owners. The chief reason for discontent is that the properties in and around Bangalore city have been segregated into two types.

The first type is ‘A Khata’ properties are authorized and come under planned development of the city and therefore has all the advantages that come with it and the second type of Khata issued is B Khata where these are unauthorized sites/properties as they haven’t obtained the required sanctions or approvals from BBMP.

Advantages of having A KHATA Certificate in Bangalore

In other words, property owners with ‘A Khata Certificate’ may apply for water connection, electricity and trade and building license. Apart from these, ‘A Khata’ property owners may also get loans from the bank with ease.

This does not apply to ‘B Khata’ property owners who, according to B.B.M.P, were unauthorized construction. Yet, for revenue, the B.B.M.P brought uniformity for taxation without some of the benefits being enjoyed by the ‘B Khata’. The matter becomes apparent as paying taxes does not confer one with the possession of the property.

See also  A KHATA vs B KHATA | Difference between A Khata and B Khata in Bangalore BBMP Properties

How to Apply for A Khata?

You may apply for A Khata property for paying taxes if the same is under the jurisdiction of the B.B.M.P and the building structure is authorized.

You may buy an application form from B.B.M.P for Rs 10/ or download the same and then submit it duly filled. By applying for A Khata, you are not going to be shown as the owner of the building, but it acts as an assessment of property for tax purpose and maintains a record as to who are all paying their taxes.

Documents required to Obtain A Khata in Bangalore.. ?

You will need the following documents for submitting your A Khata registration.

  • You need to apply in the prescribed form only and not on a piece of paper.
  • You must enclose the attested copy of the Title deed.
  • Copy of Encumbrance Certificate, known as Form 15, must be submitted for the past 10 years.
  • Conversion Certificate of the Land Conversion that has been issued by a competent authority.
  • Survey Sketch of the land.
  • NOC or Non Objection Certificate from the Town Planning Authority (TPA).
  • Khata Certificate extract that is in the name of the builder or previous owner.
  • Approved Site Plan.
  • Approval letter of Building Plan.
  • Receipts of Tax paid for the past 3 years, and if you have just recently got the property transferred in your name, the tax receipt may have been paid by the builder.
  • Occupancy Certificate OC.
  • Sale deed notarized.
  • The latest Encumbrance Certificate shows the property is under your name.

Submitting FORM to BBMP

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You may do the filling of the form yourself, or you may approach professional people to do so for a fee. If you do not fill up the form fully and do not attach all the relevant copies, you are likely to experience tough times with rampant corruption everywhere, and you may be forced to walk umpteen times for a copy of this that. Later on, feeling hopeless, you end up paying a bribe to get the thing done quickly.

You may even be asked to fill up whatever is possible in the form so that the officials may later reject it on flimsy grounds, later saying that such and such copies have not been attached and so on.

Hence you must file the documents in such a manner so that you do not leave out anything.

The Role of BBMP in issuing A Khata Certificate

After you have submitted the form along with the copies of the documents, you may inquire about the present status of the same.

You may do so by going to the office of the B.B.M.P after a week or two. However, this should not exceed 30 days at all cost as then you may be sure that something is definitely wrong.

When your Khata application has been approved, you may then pay two demand drafts for the same.

One of the drafts is for an amount that is 2% of the stamp duty paid at the time of registration, while the other is for Rs 125 for Khata Certificate and Khata Extract. Both these would be issued in your name only.

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