Renovation in Bangalore Residential building renovation or House renovation contractors Bangalore


If so, at, we offer you the best building redesign/renovation solutions for your project. We provide different types of home improvement services for our valued clients. A significant home renovation process includes various factors.

When you get into the home renovation or remodeling process, you may have to consider different factors such as the designs, budget, duration, etc. Moreover, it would help if you also gave importance to even the simplest tasks when renovating your home.

We have some of the best professionals who are experienced in various factors. Therefore, we will provide a complete service for both interiors and exterior residential building elevation of the home.

Before getting into house plans, we also have a thorough discussion with the client to know about their needs and budget.

Once we have the client’s requirements, we provide different architectural designs and plans, from which they can select the best option. Experts also do intelligent planning, which helps you get the maximum possible results from the effort and investment you make.

As the construction cost in Bangalore varies from Rs 1500 to Rs 1800 / sq ft for a House renovation in Bangalore, it might be a different cost as it depends on the specific works to be carried out. Before one starts the residential building renovation process, it is quite imperative to do proper planning.

In residential building renovation in Bangalore, proper planning will ensure that every rupee you spend on the restoration in the Bangalore process will be utilized in the right manner. Moreover, as architects, we feel this will also help you avoid delays and significant problems in the process.

Once you consult our experts and discuss the planning, they ensure that you are maximumly benefited from your investment.

Existing building residential house Renovations in Bangalore

If there is already an existing building or house for which the renovation has to be planed, The first step would have to visit the site and take current floor plans on which the new construction needs to be carried on. Providing the building plans/house plans don by the old building contractor.

Experts will help you obtain the best form of design from the existing design you want to renovate. As expert architects, we make the best house plan proposal for the project considering all the variable factors on-site, which can be taken care of and implemented stage-wise.

It does not matter whether you are planning to put wallpaper or renovate the complete house; taking the assistance of our firm will help you get the job done professionally. We have different experts who are specialized in kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, and interior decoration, as well as for other factors that come into play when you are in the home renovation process.

Renovation Process

Before starting any of this renovation process, one must be aware of the current construction cost in Bangalore; As experts, we will provide you with a detailed instructional document, which will give you complete information on the project.

This includes the price, duration, materials used, the quality of the materials, labors, etc. Therefore, before you even start the process, you will estimate the overall cost to make necessary changes to tally it up.

House renovation in Bangalore is one of the challenging works we come across; Our vast experience will change the look of your home and your lifestyle. When you are opting for the renovation in Bangalore, we also consider the family members and the facilities required for them.

For instance, if you have kids in your home, you may have to build a study room or a playing room. Even if your previous home did not have these facilities, you would be able to include them during the renovation process. Apart from this, you can also even install many other additional things through proper planning.

On the other hand, you also have an option to build an outdoor structure during the process. Therefore, if you are looking for a gym, office, or sunroom, which is separate from your home, you will build it in the backyard during the process. We will help you select the best quality materials and hardware that suits your needs in such cases.

Extending an existing building

In a residential building renovation, we also come across inquiries for the extension of an existing house/building, and then we will completely redesign it according to your budget. We will consider the available space during the redesign/renovation process and try to install maximum facilities in it.

As mentioned above, if you did not have a study room or laundry room in your previous home, you will install it in the new design.  Even if you are looking for a private space to work out in your home, this could be done during the designing process.

The overall layout and the design can affect your lifestyle as well as the way you live. Therefore, it is quite imperative to plan the renovation process with the utmost care and knowledge.

Repairs for an Existing Residential Building

Even repairs do come under the renovation work; apart from the repairs and finishing of the home, it is also essential to consider interior designing when renovating your house. Here you will basically have two options.

The first is to sell your old furniture and buy new and modern furniture. This will give a fresh look to the interior of your home. On the other hand, if you are on a tight budget, you will install the same old furniture differently. This can help you to make some changes to the interior. Apart from these, you can also add some cheap interior decoration items available in the market.

As all this process needs proper planning, consulting the architects could be the best option for you. As mentioned above, we have people specialized in different areas. Therefore, our interior decorators will consider the home’s overall look and the budget when providing the service. They can also help you to find the best quality furniture models and designs at an affordable rate.

We also make sure that we provide the best quality materials for the customers. It does not matter whether it is cement, brick, or furniture. You will be able to obtain the best quality products from us.

Therefore, it does not matter what type of home you are planning to build or renovate. We can provide you with the best services. You have to contact our customer care executives through phone or mail to get more information on the home renovation process you are planning for.

Once you give the details of your renovation work to be done, we will assist your house and take the required steps, and then we will provide you different designs and house plans that suit your needs and budget.

This will help you to select a renovation plan that suits you. We ensure that you obtain the best quality and timely services from our experts during the home renovation process. One can also visit the website to Learn about Civil Engineering and the importance of it.

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Comments 3

  1. Hi ,, I am Looking for a complete renovation of my exciting home which is 25 years old with thick supporting walls. It’s a 3 floor building.
    My main concern is that I need to probably demolish the walls also and rebuilt it. Definitely an advice from a structural engineer is required.

    Let me know if we can connect up?

  2. Need to increase the height of the verandah by not allowing rainwater to enter the house

  3. Mani Divya vani

    I’m looking for redesigning the staircase which is already existing and it’s a three floor building. I’m worried does the redesign creates the damage for the building. It’s bit complex issue. I’m looking forward to resolve it with reasonable and affordable budget.


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