Labor contractor rates in Bangalore Hire Labor/Labour contractors in Bangalore

The current Labor contractor rates in Bangalore are Rs 280 / sq ft to Rs 350 / sq ft. There are two ways to go ahead with construction for a Building either give it to Building contractors who take care of all materials required for construction or one can give it to a Labour contractor in Bangalore who can execute the project.

But in the case of a labour contract, the owner has to supply all materials required to the site well in advance before the start of the specific construction work based on the given house plans.

Labour/Labor rates for Shuttering, Footing, Columns, Plinth beams, Slabs, Lintel, RCC, Bar bending, Steel Fabrication, Masonry, Plastering, etc


Sl NO.


Labour/Labor rates for Construction work





1 Footing Sqm 160
2 Columns Sqm 160
3 Plinth Beams Sqm 160
4 Flat Slab Sqm 160
5 Staircase Sqm 250
6 GF & FF Slope Slab Sqm 250
7 TF Slope Slab Sqm 270
8 Making Charges Sqm 70
9 Lintel & Sunshade Shuttering Floor 10,000
10 Arch Beam Shuttering Villa 2,000
11 Parapet Beam Shuttering Rmt 110
12 RCC Cornice Rmt 160
13 RCC Drop Rmt 175
14 Staging Sqm 70
15 Remarking works Sqm 70
1 Steel Fabrications(Excluding Lintels & Chajja) M.T 6,500.00
2 Lintel & Sunshade Steel Floor 3,000.00
3 Arch Beam Steel Villa 1,500.00
4 Parapet Beam Steel Villa 2,000.00
5 RCC Cornice Steel Villa 1,500.00


1 Plinth Beam Sqm 150
2 Ground Floor Sqm 150
3 First Floor Sqm 170
4 Terrace Floor Sqm 190
5 Duct Sqm 200
6 Parapet Sqm 190
7 Base Coarse marking Floor 2,500


1 Ceiling(Flat) Sqm 130
2 Ceiling(Slope) Sqm 130
3 Internal wall plastering Sqm 120
4 Rough wall plastering Sqm 80
5 Stepped Staircase plastering Sqm 235
6 External plastering Sqm 180


D Plastering
1 Ceiling(Flat) Sqm 130
2 Ceiling(Slope) Sqm 130
3 Internal wall plastering Sqm 120
4 Rough wall plastering Sqm 80
5 Stepped Staircase plastering Sqm 235
6 External plastering Sqm 180
7 Pergola Plastering Rmt 350
8 Groove Cutting Rmt 20
9 Elevation Band Rmt 229.67
10 Drip Mould Rmt 30
11 Ele pipe packing Floor 750
12 Mesh Fixing Rmt 6
13 Level Pad fixing Floor 1,500
14 Hacking Sft 1.4
15 Drilling Hrs 87.5
16 Chipping Hrs 120
17 Cornice Rft 140

As residential Architects, we recommend going for a Labor contract only if you are self-employed and can spend quality time on the site.


The rates for labor contractor for works is Rs 290 / sq ft

  1. PCC 1:4:8  4” thicknesses for the foundation.
  2. Size stone masonry 6 courses for foundation footings.
  3. Plinth concrete 5” thickness.
  4. Inside Floor PCC 5” Thickness.
  5. 9” and 4” thickness brickwork for walls.
  6. Door and Window Frames Fixing.
  7. Lintel concreting.
  8. Roof concreting.
  9. Inside Ceiling and wall plastering with lime rendering.
  10. External plastering with Sponge finish.
  11. Inside Loft and shelves concreting.

Extra Labor works :

  1. Markings.
  2. Earth Work.
  3. Footing and columns.
  4. Balcony.
  5. Portico.
  6. Staircase.
  7. Folding steps.
  8. Para foot wall.
  9. Sump Tank.
  10. Compound Wall.
  11. Railing fixing.
  12. Gate Fixing.
  13. External Concrete and finishing.
  14. Roof waterproof muddy.
  15. Overhead tank.
  16. Concrete gang labour.
  17. Scaffolding materials.
  18. Water curing and watchman payments.
  19. Taper Roof is a double measurement.
  20. Folding Staircase/Cantilever staircase.

NOTE: The above work rates are depending upon the quantity, time, and elevation design drawing.

LABOR Contractor Rates  in Bangalore for Civil works Based on Item Rates

Labour/Labor contractors rates in Bangalore/Hire Labor contractors in Bangalore
1 Earthwork excavation cft 9.00
2 Earth filling cft 5.00
3 Sump water tank solid block wall Lts 3.00
4 sump tank rcc wall -sump tank Lts 5.00
5 Shuttering sft 45.00
6 Bar bending kg 9.00
7 P.C.C Concrete sft 40.00
8 Footing concrete cft 45.00
9 Size stone masonry cft 40.00
10 column concrete cft 65.00
11 R.C.C Roof slab & Beam concrete cft 60.00
12 R.C.C Slope roof concrete cft 75.00
13 8″ Block work sft 33.00
14 6″ Block work sft 25.00
15 4″Block work sft 20.00
16 Internal Ceiling Plastering sft 20.00
17 Internal Wall plastering sft 18.00
18 External Wall plastering sft 22.00
19 Door & Windows Fixing sft 35.00
20 Ventilators fixing nos 350.00
21 2″&3″ Band rft 30.00
22 3/4″ Groove rft 15.00
23 Cylinder Filling (Bath Room) cft 30.00
24 Parapet Wall (Block Work& Plastering) sft 55.00
25 Water proof plastering sft 25.00
26 (Lead & Lift )
27 First floor 10%
28 Second floor 15%
29 Third floor 20%
30 Fourth floor 25%
31 Watchman salary per month 3000

Note: These rates might vary from Project to Project.

S.No Labor/Labour work requirement for different Construction works in Bangalore for Earthworks, Concrete, RCC work, Stone work, Brick work, Flooring, Plastering, Painting, etc

Item Description

Quantity unit                                          Labour required 
Skilled Labour Helpers Curing Labour Mason/
White washer
Carpenters Fitter
1 Earthworks per 28.30 cum  (1000cft)      —  —  —  —  —  —
  Earthworks excavation in foundations, trenches etc., in ordinary soil including disposal up to 30m and lift of 1.5m 28.30 Cum 5 4  —  —  —  —
  Refilling excavated earth in foundations, plinth etc. including consolidation in 15cms layers 28.30 Cum 3 2 0.5  —  —  —
  Disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 30m 28.30 Cum  — 1  —  —  —  —
2 Cement concrete work per 2.83cum (100 cft)  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Laying Cement concrete 2.83 Cum 2 3 0.75 0.25  —  —
3 R.C.C work  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Laying Reinforced concrete 2.83 Cum 3 3 1.5 0.5  —  —
  Centring and shuttering for Flat surface 9.60 Sqm 4  —  —  — 4  —
  Reinforcement work for RCC 100.00 Kgs 1  —  —  —  — 1
4 Stone work per 2.83 cum (100Cft)  —  —  —  —  —  —
  RR Masonry with blue stone in foundations 2.83 Cum 3 2 0.5 3  —  —
5 Brickwork per 2.83 cum  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Ist class brickwork in 1:4 CM insuper structure partition walls, junctions of roof, parapet walls and string course 2.83 Cum  — 4.5 0.5 2.25  —  —
6 Flooring  —  —  —  —  —  —
  4cm thick CC flooring of 40Sqm 40.00 Sqm 4 3 1  —  —  —
7 Finishing  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Plastering with any mortar 12mm thick 40.00 Sqm  — 3 1 3  —  —
  Whitewashing or color washing (3coats) 60.00 Sqm  — 1  — 1  —  —
  Painting two coats such as chocolate, red, greyetc., on wood or steel 10.00 Sqm  — 2  — 3  —  —


Note: These values might vary from Project to Project.

What are the Labour charges, Labour rates, Labour Wages for Building a House?

Labour Wages/Rates/Charges on Daily basis
Type of Labour Work Per Day Labour Rates (Rs)
Mason Rs 600 – 800
Labour/Helper (Male) Rs 350 – 580
Labor/Helper (Female) Rs 300 – 500
Carpenter Rs 600 – 900
Plumber Rs 600 – 800
Painter Rs 500 – 900
Tile Layer Rs 500 – 800
Shuttering/Bar bending Rs 400 – 700
What is the Construction Labour cost in Bangalore?

The construction labour cost varies from Rs 250 to Rs 350/sq ft for building a residential house in Bangalore.

What is the current Construction Labour rates in Bangalore?

The construction labour rates start from Rs 260 to 360/sq ft for all civil works which are calculated based on the slab measurement.

Do you need have a labour contract agreement for construction of house in Bangalore?

YES, One needs to have a standard Labour contract agreement for construction of a house which includes the scope of construction work along with the list of works included and excluded.

What works are included by Labour contractors in Bangalore for house construction?

Some of the works done by Labour contractors in Bangalore include Brickwork, Centering work, Earthwork, Slab casting, Bar bending, Plastering, Window & Door fixing, Concreting, etc.

What are the different Labour contractors required for Building a House?

The different Labour contractors that can be hired for house construction include Civil work, Electrical work, Plumbing work, Flooring work, Painting work, Plastering work, Concreting, etc.

What is the Labour rates/Labour contractor rates for Shuttering, Bar bending, Electrical, Plumbing, Flooring?

The Labour rates or Labour contractor rates in Bangalore costs approximately 20 to 25% of the house construction cost which includes Electrical Labor, Bar bending, Masonry, Plumbing, Centering, Shuttering, etc.

What is the daily Labour rates/charges/wages for Mason, Helper, Plumber, Electrician, Painter, Tile layer, Carpenter?

The daily labour charges/rates/wages for house construction in Bangalore stats from Mason Rs 600 | Helper: 400 | Plumber: Rs 700 | Electrician: Rs 850 | Painter: 900 | Shuttering/Centering: Rs 600 | Carpenter: Rs 900 | Tile Layer: Rs 700.

What is the Labour rate list of civil work or Labour charges per sq ft for building construction?

The Labour rates list or Labour charges for residential construction starts from Earth work: Rs 12/cft | Shuttering: Rs 65/sft | Bar bending: Rs 12/kg | Block work: Rs 30/sq ft | Plastering: 20/sft | Tiling: Rs 20/sft.

What is the Block/Brick work Labour rate per sq ft?

The Block/Brick work Labour rate per sq ft starts from for an 8” Brick/Block: Rs 35/sq ft | 6” Brick/Block: Rs 26/sq ft | 4” Brick/Block: Rs 20/sq ft.

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Comments 34

  1. I was looking out for labor contractor rates in bangalore then I came across your site, which have the very details which I was searching. I have an 20×30 plot and looking out for building contractors or labour contractor who can get the construction done with good quality and complete the project within 6 months. As informed its just 600 sq ft plot I would really like to Hire your services for the architectural designing of my project, As my budget is 20 lacs for a G+2 floors duplex with 3 bedroom house.

    Pls propose a reasonable charge for the concept drawings and structural drawings, as the remaining I shall take care myself.

    • Current charges / rates for Labour contractors in bangalore are already mentioned above pls read it. As of construction quotation for building construction varies from Rs 1400 / sq ft to Rs 1600 / sq ft.

    • Hi Mohan,

      We are also looking for a labor contractor for same requirement like 600sft with G+2 in the same budget.please suggest us if you find someone.


  2. Hi Sir,
    This is Rakesh from whitefield having a 40×60 site with 30 ft road, the plot is facing South we are loking for best labor contractors who can construct my house where in I will supply the materials required for the construction, As written here it’s been mentioned that the labor rates are Rs 280 / sq ft onwards for the civil labour work and additional charges will be for flooring, electrical. Plumbing and tiling.

    I would like to take some simple drawings for my house plans for 2bhk x2 nos for each floor and the ground floor will left for car parking space.As informed in the overall construction cost for all works excluding interiors it roughly comes around Rs 1500 / sq ft for my entire house. Since I shall be going for the labor only, I think I might save 10% on the overall budget if I do it myself by Hiring a Labor constructor. Propose your charges to my given email Id for more details on this.

    • The Labor construction rates in Bangalore starts from Rs 230 / sq ft to Rs 290 / sq ft depending on the scope of work.
      Note : Labor contractors rates only includes all civil works only. It does’t include Flooring, Tile fitting, Electrical work, Plumbing work or other non civil works mentioned above.

  3. Hi Sir,

    I am starting my new house construction hence wanted to know Construction labor rates in bangalore 2016 for my duplex house construction. Can you refer some good labour contractors who can understand an architects working drawing and complete the project on a timely basis.

    Also I wanted to know the architecture designing charges for construction of G+2 floors Duplex house in sarjapur road. Send me the best proposal for this.


    • The current labor contractor charges in bangalore varies from Rs 220 / sq ft to Rs 280 / sq ft. Our charges for Architectural working drawings and full project consultancy are mentioned on the site its self pls go through those details. We have also sent the soft copy of our proposal to your given email id also.

  4. This is a very good information, Is it possible to have Thumbrule Quantity for such items as well on their sq. ft. bases.
    Like i know for steel it ranges from 3.6 to 4.5 kg per Sq. ft.

  5. Hello Sir,

    I am looking for 1500 sqft G + 3 floors construction in Bangalore. Could you please give the quotation for labor contract. And even another quotation of complete contract.


  6. I am looking for 1000 sqft G + 1 floors construction . Could you please give the quotation for labor contract. And even another quotation of complete contract.


    • Currently in bengaluru for medium house construction with materials begins with 1500 per sqft to 1800 per sqrt…it differes according to Owner requirements like vetrified tiles/ granite like that..

  7. Hi Team

    I wanted following minor civil work to my house so please end your labor rates for the same.

    1) Construct compound (58ft x 5 ft height)
    2) Three windows to be replaced
    3) Mine door to be placed correctly
    4) Grills to be placed


  8. Rate For Civil Labour Work Per sq.ft of Build up area?

  9. I have just built a house. My experience is that savings from labour contract are at least 25%. Just make sure you keep a 5 years experienced engineer to supervise everyday. Buy material yourself but have the labour and supervisor check quality. Don’t tell them where you are buying from. You have to visit yourself also to check if all the material is being used as per drawing. Generally structural engineer will have buffer so these contractors will not put that. Most contractors don’t know what they are doing. So tell them the cement mix, grade, steel etc as per drawing. Reading drawing is important and supervisor will do that.

    • Dear Sir,
      I am also building my house at Kempapura Main Road, Bengaluru 560024.
      I want to talk to you and also meet you to get some knowledge.
      Please communicate with me.

    • Good info . I am planning to construct

  10. hi sir,

    i have 600 sqft old house single floor, i would to make it as duplex type house. i need to know whether your personnel visit to my location and know whether we can construct above ground floor, if we can construct and also need to know the cost for construction from your side.

  11. Hi
    first physical verification required for the house then can estimate the budget.

    we need to finalize the plan and construct.

  12. Need a tapperd roof cost with labour and material ..can you please confirm…

  13. Hi,
    I have plans to construct as G+3 structure in immadihalli( whitefield) , please give/send me labour contractor contact details .

  14. Dear Sir,

    I intend to get 1 BHK and car parking in Gnd floor & 2BHK house in Ist floor on 30×40 size plot in ITI Layout near H S R L/O, Bangalore.
    What are the rates for labour contract for house construction in Bangalore in 2019 ?


    k s manjunatha

  15. Dear Sir,

    I intend to build a 1 BHK and Car parking in Gnd floor and 2BHK in Ist floor and Single room with attached bath room in 2 nd floor- staircase being outside on a west facing plot 30’x40′ nearby H S R L/O, Bangalore.
    I would like to know whether labour rates mentioned is stii valid – whether the rates have been updated.
    Also I would like to know the charges for all the dreawings required for starting the construction.


  16. Mallu harshavardhan reddy

    This is harsha
    Am planning to construct 100×70 m godown
    Looking for ehuttering workers

  17. Sathyanath Govindan

    Need a labour for water proofing work. We are doing turnkey project & need a labour on regular basis

  18. Hi Sir,

    We are planning to construct G+2 in the plot of 30×50 in Nagarbhavi, Bangalore.

    We required labours/labour contractors and their quotation.

    Will you please send me the requested.

  19. Hello we are planning to construct a commercial building of 4 floors with basement in an area of 170 sq m.
    Can you send me the estimate of how much will it charge

  20. Sir…can you guide me to calculate the plumbing labour per 100/sqft

  21. Hi,

    I had a question regarding the rates typically quoted for labour contracts. i.e – the 290/ sqft quoted. Assuming the total Sqft for the entire home consists of a ground floor (Car Park, Kitchen, Dining, Bedroom), then a first floor (2 Bedrooms), and a terrace floor with the stairwell. The architects assume the total sqft to be 2600. But, for the purpose of labour contracts, do the consider The ground Floor (Foundation), First Floor (Ground Floor Roof), Second Floor (First Floor Roof), and Third Floor (Stair Well Roof). With this calculation the sqft the charge is over 3200. Is this the industry norms.

  22. Hi sir, we are. Constructing a building with basement parking, ground plus 3 floors( 5 floors in total) with a stretcher lift and staircase.

    Area of construction is 3600 square foot per floor ,so for 5 floors it’s 18000 square foot in total.

    What’s is total cost of labour. Contract in Karnataka (shimoga)

  23. Hi I am planning to construct a duplex house on a 1200 sq ft plot what is the estimated rates if I go for labor contract only

    Please let me know

  24. Pradeep L Sankaje

    Hi Team, I am looking labor contract to build my home at 30*50 East facing site. Planning to build G+1 Duplex requesting you to arrange the quotation for Labor contract will all the classification of work.

  25. We are looking for labor who can place stone slabs for car parking 10*10sqft and construct a proper smooth concrete floor which is durable. Please provide quotation.

  26. Hi my labour contractor is charging 290rs per squarefoot from footing to plinth is this valid,can i pay?
    Again from ground to 4th floor he is charging per squarefoot it ok?


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