Electrical Labour rates in Bangalore for Electrical work rates cost for Residential House Apartment Commercial Building

Rates for Electrical Labour work in Bangalore

The electrical labour rates in Bangalore depend on the electrical drawings given by the residential or commercial Architects which shows the no of electrical points required.

The more the no of electrical points given the higher the electrical labour charges, below is a sample for electrical labour rates given of a residential project which is followed by the material required which is given by the electrical contractor.

Electrical Labor rates in Bangalore Sample quotation for a residential project.

Sample Electrical Rates with Materials required based on the above quotation

Electrical labour rates in Bangalore for residential commercial houses or apartments
Sl No. Description Units Rate Quantity Amount
1 Light point fixing Per unit 80.00 125.00 8,750.00
2 Plug point 5 amps fixing Per unit 50.00 40.00 1,600.00
3 Fan point and regulator fixing Per unit 90.00 12.00 960.00
4 2-way light point fixing Per unit 120.00 12.00 1,320.00
5 15 amp point fixing Per unit 70.00 15.00 900.00
6 A.C point fixing Per unit 70.00 10.00 600.00
7 Washing Machine point fixing Per unit 70.00 1.00 60.00
8 Telephone point fixing Per unit 80.00 10.00 700.00
9 T.V point fixing Per unit. 80.00 6.00 420.00
10 M.C.B control SP fixing Per unit. 50.00 15.00 600.00
11 Exhaust fan point Per unit. 90.00 6.00 480.00
12 Night lamp light point Per unit 80.00 5.00 350.00
13 Ups point Per unit 110.00 2.00 200.00
14 E.L.C.B control fixing Per unit 170.00 2.00 300.00
15 Lighting circuit wiring Rft 10.00 200.00 1,600.00
16 A.E.H circuit wiring Rft 16.00 250.00 3,000.00
17 A.C wiring Rft 16.00 120.00 1,440.00
18 Telephone wiring Rft 8.00 150.00 1,200.00
19 T.V wiring Rft 10.00 200.00 1,600.00
20 Ups wiring                 2.5 mm x 4 nos Rft 18.00 100.00 1,600.00
21 Main Circuit 6mm x 4nos. 2.5x 1 no.   fixing Rft 28.00 80.00 2,000.00
22 Water level control wiring Rft 8.00 70.00 560.00
23 Genrator point with change over fixing LS 350.00 1.00 300.00
24 D.P.M.C.B   fixing Per unit 90.00 4.00 320.00
25 4 pole M.C.B ( tpn ) fixing Per unit 170.00 3.00 450.00
26 M.C.B  dp box  12 way fixing Per unit 330.00 2.00 600.00
27 Earthing labour with earth work Pe unit 550.00 4.00 2,000.00
28 Water Pump point fixing Per unit 90.00 1.00 80.00
29 3phase meter board  fixing LS 1900.00 1.00 1,500.00
30 Cable laying charge with earth work labour Rft 50.00 125.00 5,000.00
TOTAL 40,490.00

Note: This is a sample of electrical labour charges and materials required based on the current market, However, the quote may vary depending on the electrical drawings which are given by the Architect.

Electrical rates in Bangalore – Electrical Required Materials Based on the above quote

  1. ¾” Pipes 100 nos.
  2. ¾” Bends125 nos.
  3. ¾” Collars 100 nos.
  4. ¾” Sp Junction Box 36 nos.
  5. 1” pipes 40 nos.
  6. 1” Bends 50 nos.
  7. 1” Collars 50 nos.
  8. 1” Sp junction Box 20 nos.
  9. Tape rolls 20 nos.
  10. Finolex wires 2.5 Sq mm x 6 coils.    Red and Black
  11. Finolex wires 4 Sq mm x 6 coils.      Red and Black
  12. Finolex wires 6 Sq mm x 1 coils.      Red and Black
  13. Finolex wires 1.5 Sq mm x 12 coils.     Blue, Yellow and Grey.
  14. Finolex wires 1 Sq mm x 6 coils.          Green.
  15. Finolex T.v wire Rg 8 with gel cable 1colil.
  16. Finolex Telephone wire 2 pair wire x 2coils.
  17. Water Lvl control wire 6 core wire 1 coil.
  18. 5 amps one way switch 165 nos.
  19. 5 amps wall plug 2 in 1 40 nos.
  20. Fan regulator 5 step 12 nos.
  21. 5amps 2way switches.
  22. 15 amps socket 30 nos.
  23. 15 amp switches with an indicator. 30 nos.
  24.  Telephone jacks 10 nos.
  25. T.V sockets 6 nos.
  26. 16 amps M.C.B make: Legrand sp 8 nos.
  27. 6 amps M.C.B sp make: Legrand 7nos.
  28. 32 amps E.L.C.B make: Legrand 2nos.
  29. 16 amps D.P.M.C.B make: Legrand 4 nos.
  30. 32 amps 4 pole M.C.B make: Legrand 2nos.
  31. M.C.B.D.B box 12way make: Legrand 2 nos.
  32. 2by2 copper plate 4nos.
  33. 8 gauge copper wire 5kgs.
  34. 63 amps fuse 6 nos.
  35. Earthling Salt 50 kg x 2 nos.
  36. Charcoal 2 bags.
  37. 6 ft G.I pipe 6nos.
  38. Copper Bolt nut. 3”   6nos
  39. 25 x 4 core Under Ground 30 mtr’s cable.
  40.  PANEL BOARD as per Drawing
  41. P.V.C pipe 3” dia 20 feet x 3 nos.
  42. Chake ( fiber blocks) 150 nos.
  43. M.S screws 1” 60 nos.
  44. M.S screws 1 ½” 60 nos.
  45. M.S screws 2” 60 nos.
  46. Holder Screws  1 Box.
  47. Roma screws 2” 60nos.
  48. Roma screws 2 ½” 60nos.
  49. Roma screws 3” 60nos.

Note: 1. Holders and fittings, Plates, and metal boxes as required and selected.

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Comments 6

  1. I am builting house 3 bhk in 20 ft X 42 ft plot 2 room , kitchen, hall 2 toilet bathroom on ground floor and 1 room and toilet bathroom on 1st floor kindly know me material cost approximately

  2. Good evening sir,

    I was constructed the house with hall, bedroom ,kitchen, bathroom-01nos, pooja -01nos ,varunda,,please can I know the material cost

  3. Priyanka Banerjee

    Need electrician for false ceiling work

  4. New house construction
    Ground floor
    Living-room, poja room, kitchen
    2 bed room, 1 bathroom,
    1st floor
    Living room, 1 Pooja room, dining hall,2 bedroom, 2 bathroom
    2 bedroom, 2 bathroo
    Cast of the electric labour

  5. Raj Sekhar Chowdhury

    Need quote for electrical fittings in new flat. All points and wiring and switches is already provided by builder. Just need installation of lights, fans, geysers etc.


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