Current construction cost

The current Construction cost at Bangalore based on Item rates

There is an increase in construction cost in Bangalore which has seen an increment of 10% when compared to the previous year. This has been caused due to the increase in the real estate market in the housing sector where the demand for labour and construction rates has been in huge demand.

The current construction cost varies from Rs 1300 to Rs 1850 / sq ft depending on the internal finishes. Below is a sample of item rate construction proposal and visit this link to know building contractors rates.


Sl No. Description Unit Rate/Unit 14% 6%  AMOUNT
1 Excavation up to 1.5m Hardsoil cum 210 29 14 253.00
1.5- 3 m cum 316 44 21 381.00
2 Antitermite sm 90 0 5 95.00
3 PCC M10 cum 3750 525 225 4500.00
4 RCC Designmix M 20 cum 5222 731 357 6310.00
Shuttering sm 350 49 24 423.00
M25 cum 5511 771 376 6658.00
Shuttering sm 400 400 0 800.00
5 Reinforcement Steel
Fe-415 Tonne 48000 8400 3600 60000.00
Fe-500 Tonne 55199 9660 4140 68999.00
Fe-550 Tonne 55712 9750 4178 69640.00
6 Block Work
4″Thick sm 614 86 0 700.00
6″ Thick sm 757 80 50 887.00
8″ Thick sm 856 120 50 1026.00
7 Brick Work Table Molded
 9″ Thick cum 5400 765 369 6534.00
4″ Thick sm 754 106 57 917.00
Modular Brick sm 656 91 44 791.00
8 Plastering
12mm Thick sm 165 20 10 195.00
20mm Thick sm 211 30 14 255.00
Ceiling sm 154 21 9 184.00
9 Flooring
Vitrified tiles sm 1200 168 82 1450.00
Granilte 20mm sm 3000 420 180 3600.00
Ceramic Tiles sm 881 123 60 1064.00
Dadoing sm 874 122 59 1055.00
Soling cum 1645 230 99 1973.70
VDF 75MM thick sm 700 98 42 840.00
Wet mix  sand filling dust sm 1038 145 62 1245.00
Stair case Granite Hassan 10mm sm 2827 395 169 3391.00
Granilte 20mm sm 3732 522 223 4477.00
Nosing Full RM 184 25 11 220.00
Telephonic Granite 20mm sm 2392 334 143 2869.00
Teak wood flooring wooden sm 4800 672 288 5760.00
Wall cladding sm 2930 410 175 3515.00
 Clay tile Yaiahanka sm 1630 228 97 1955.00
Terrace tiling sm 635 89 38 762.00
Half nosing RM 240 33 14 287.00
10 Size Stone Masonry 1:6
Foundation cum 3287 460 197 3944.00
Basement cum 4914 687 294 5895.00
S pointing sm 74 0 0 74.00
11 Doors Teak Wood
Door Frame cum 162819 22794 9767 195380.00
Door Shutters sm 6888 964 423 8275.00
Grill Work Kg 90 12 5 107.00
12 Windows Aluminium Powder coated
2 Track sm 3616 506 216 4338.00
3 Track sm 3813 533 228 4574.00
Door sm 5956 833 357 7146.00
4 Track sm 3367 471 202 4040.00
Z Angie aluminium sm 4286 600 257 5143.00
Steel glazed windows sm 3433 480 205 4118.00
13 Painting
Oil Bond 2 Coats sm 75 11 5 90.00
Doors & Windows Enamel sm 46 6 3 55.00
Grill sm 72 10 4 86.00
14 Water Proofing Terrace sm 735 103 44 882.00
Slab/Roof sm 917 128 55 1100.00
Toilets/Overhead Tank/Sump Tank sm 1000 140 60 1200.00
15 Staircase Hand railing MS sm 3096 433 185 3714.00
Teak wood VM RM 7857 1099 471 9427.00
16 Providing chajja 75mm thick sm 383 53 23 459.00

Abbreviations used 
sm: square meter rm: running meter kg: Kilogram cum: cubic meter

If you are planning to start your construction after finalising the house plans given by the architects, then you have two ways of presenting your project either to building contractors or a Labor Contractors.

4.7/5 - (36 votes)

Comments 1

  1. Hi i am planning for house construction here are my requirements: G+2…


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