Building contractors rates

Many Building contractors rates in Bangalore take constructions either on item rate constructions or on full lump sum projects based on square feet proposal. The current running Building cost of construction varies from Rs 1600 to Rs 1900 per sq ft. However, Residential building constructions should be given to a reliable Building contractor who can study house plans and other working drawings given by the Architects.

The construction rates can vary depending on the location and size of the project; below is a Sample cost of construction of a House proposal given by one of our current Building construction rates for a residence.


Building contractors rates in Bangalore for building a house                                                                 Basic Costs
  Cost of  construction MATERIALS
Cement – Rs. 370/Bag. Granite/marble – Rs. 120/Sft.
Steel – Rs. 50,500/Ton. Flush door (waterproof)  – Rs. 90/Sft.
Ceramic tiles  –  Rs. 35/Sft. Euro external tile- Rs.48/ Sft
Red Sal wood  –  Rs. 1100/Cft. River sand = Rs. 23 /cft
Teak wood  –  Rs. 3000/Cft. 6 mm jelly = Rs   ./cft
Solid cement block -22.50/block 12 mm jelly = Rs.16/cft
Jet black granite 20 mm  200/sft 20 mm jelly = Rs. 20/cft
40 mm jelly = Rs.15/cft




NOTE: The rates quoted for the relevant excavation items shall include the following

Shoring, strutting, and protecting the sides of excavation trenches, Consolidation must be done with heavy iron hammers.

  • Earthwork excavation in ordinary soil for foundation trenches, isolated column footing, depth not exceeding 5′.
  • Earthwork excavation in on hard soil for the side of the vertical wall &ramp
  • Refilling in foundation trenches and footings & below flooring with excavated earth including watering, compacting & consolidating in layers not exceeding 6″ thickness, lead not exceeding 100.’
  • Do as item no:3, but  Earth brought from outside.


  • Providing and laying PCC 1:4:8 using 40mm graded granite aggregate below the footing, including normal ramming, compacting, and curing.
  • Providing and laying  PCC 1 : 4 :8   using 40 mm graded granite aggregate below the flooring as levelling course including ramming , compacting and curing, etc.
  • NOTE: With reference to the following reinforced concrete items, the rates quoted shall include necessary shuttering and formwork (either steel or wood-centring) machine mixing vibrating the concrete wherever necessary scaffolding and curing, but exclusive of reinforcement steel and fabrication charges. Concrete – 53 Grade, Rest – 43 Grade
  • Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings
  • Providing & casting RCC1: 1 1/2: 3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column
  • Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings but plinth beams.
  • Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings, but for, chajjas, facias, lofts, shelves and the like of average thickness of 3″.
  •   Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings but lintels.
  •    Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings but roof beams.
  • Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings, but for roof slabs.
  •    Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings but for sloped slabs.
  • Ready Mix Concrete.
  • Providing & casting RCC1:1 1/2:3 with 3/4″ graded granite aggregate for column footings, but for the staircase.
  1. with a waste slab
  2. with folded plate


  • Providing and Constructing concrete block in CM1:6 with a first-class solid block for 6″ thick walls including racking out of joints necessary scaffolding, curing, etc. complete.Rs.22.50/block
  • Providing and laying size stone masonry in CM1:6 in courses not less than 8″ high for foundation and plinth with a thorough bond stone in every course of 3′ width including raking out or flushing the joints and curing ( water should not be poured at the time of masonry )
  • Providing laying masonry in CM 1 : 4 with a first-class solid in 4 ” thick walls, including supplying and providing 1 Nos 8mm dia M.S. rods as reinforcements in every 4th course, including racking out the joints, necessary scaffolding, and curing.


  • Supply, fabricate & tie in position MS round and cold twisted ribbed tor steel reinforcement in RCC items, including necessary bending, cutting & tying with 16 gauge G.I binding wire, including precast concrete cover blocks.
  • Providing and laying Ultra tile or equivalent Cement pigment tile for the flooring of parking ( BP – Rs.45/sft ) Skirting for the same.
  • Providing and laying colored Ceramic tiles for flooring with first-class tiles of granolite/Asian/marbonite make of 2’x2′ size and fixing them over 1/2″ to 3/4″ thick CM 1:6 backing and pointing the joints neatly with white cement coloured to the tile. (BP35/SFT)   Skirting for  the same
  • Providing and laying of Indian GRANITE using large size marble slabs as specified but not less than 4′ X 5′ .laid on a bed cement mortar 1:6 of minimum thickness 20mm, including curing, machine polishing, tin oxide polishing, etc., complete. (BP=140/SFT) Skirting for  the same
  • Providing and laying coloured ceramic tiles for toilet flooring and dado finish with first-class tiles of Johnson/Sonara/Cera make of 12″x12″ size and 8″x12″ for dadoing in toilets, fixing them over 1/2″ to 3/4″ thick cm 1:6 backing and pointing the joints neatly with white cement colored to the tile(B.P-35/sft)


NOTE: In the following items,  the rates quoted shall include for all drip moulds, throating arises, etc., as and where directed. The quoted rate shall include floor making good chases patches, etc., made by other agencies and necessary scaffolding and curing.

  • Providing and laying 1/2″  to 3/4″ plaster in CM 1:4 to the ceiling of slabs, including hacking the surface & finishing with a thin slurry of lime
  • After preparing the surface, providing & laying 1/2″to 3/4″plaster in cm 1:6 to brick masonry, etc., after preparing the surface, including finishing with a thin slurry of lime (internal plastering).
  • Providing &  laying 1/2″ to 3/4″plaster in CM    1 : 6 to brick masonry, RC works, stone masonry, etc. After preparing the surfaces, including finishing surfaces with sand finishing – sponge finish. ( External plastering)

a)      Diamond GI 6″ Mesh for Plastering joint ( M/S Arpitha or equ)
b)      b)Providing pleated plastering on external surface 1 .5″ to 2″ plaster in C: M 1:6 on a brick wall.
c)      c)Providing texture finish external and internal surface.


Note: The number of coats specified for painting items shall be the minimum specification.  The rate quoted shall include all necessary tools, scaffolding, etc.

  • Painting ceiling after sandpapering the surface, applying one coat of primer, one coat of filler, and applying 2 finishing coats of Distemper of approved quality, make, and shade.

Extra rate with Birla /eqlt cement putty

  • Providing and painting internal surface with Premium Emulsion, sandpapering the surface applying one coat of primer, two coat of filler/ putty, and applying 2 finishing coats of paint of approved quality, make, and shade. (Asian Paints)
  • Painting  External Walls with  Apex or equivalent approved make and shade thoroughly cleaning the surface, removing loose burrs, dust, holes, cracks, etc., washing and wetting the surface with sprayer applying 2 coats and one coat of white cement including scaffolding and curing, etc.

(ASIAN APEX on the front side)

Above mentioned for: Compound wall With Apex /weather coat With ACE /Wallmastha coat

  • Providing and painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved make and shade,  thoroughly cleaning surface, removing the loose burrs, dust, dirt, etc. Including scaffolding.
    • (Measurements as per standard coefficient)


Windows and ventilators

Staircase railing, Window grill, and grill

  • Providing and polishing on a wood surface.

Melamine polish Ducco


  • Providing and fixing Doors with Teak wood frame of 3″X5″,shutter of 1 1/2″ thick panel of size not less than1’6″ width, 4 panels with top side 8″x1 1/2″, side of 5″x 1 1/2″, centre vertical of 3″x1 1/2″ and centre 3 horizontals 3″x 1 1/2″.


a. Mortice lock of value /Europa or Godrej lock
b. Brass tower bolt 8″ size.
c. Brass tower bolt 6″ size.
d. 4 nos of Brass hinges 5″size.

  • Providing and fixing in position doors withered Sal wood 5 ” x 2.5 “frame and waterproof flush door, powder coated 4″ hinges,8” tower bolt without handle with mortise lock cost Rs:350 including all necessary fittings and to the specified pattern.


  1. Mortice lock.
  2. Powder coated tower bolt 8″ size.
  3. Powder coated tower bolt 6″ size.
  4. 4 nos of Powder coated hinges 5″ size.
  • Providing and fixing in position Window with Red sal wood 5 ” x 2.5 ” frame and Honne shutters of 3″x1.5″ size with 4 mm float glass, powder coated 4″ tower bolt-2 nos, 3″hinges-3 nos, 3″ handle-1no, 4″ stay without sash bar including all other necessary fittings and to the specified pattern.


  • Staircase Railing with 3/4″ twisted square bars for each step with 25 mm x 6 mm flats welded on the top, an overall height of handrail is 33″ and fixed with  3″x 2½” sal wood railing. As per the architectural design and all complete.
  • Balcony Railing with 3/4″ twisted square bars with 5 mm x 6 mm flats welded on the top, and overall height of handrail is 36″ and fixed with  3″x 2½” sal wood railing as per the architectural design and brick pillar @ 4″ gap all complete.
  • Providing and constructing parapet wall of 41/2″ thick with Brick pillars at 10 ‘ interval including plastering in CM 1: 6
  • Parapet wall of 9″ thick
  • Providing and fixing of 20mm  thick jet black granite slab for kitchen, store & utility  (BP  – Rs.140/sft ) Bull nosing Granite
  • Providing of grills of 10 mm  square bars for  windows at 4 ” thick interval  (heavy)
  • Cornice at roof slab level 5″ x 5″ to design
  • Cornice at parapet level 4″x3″x2″ border
  • Grooves in plastering 1″ thick
  • Waterproofing with1:2:4 Concrete mix using 6mm jelly with the required slope in a terrace.
  • Providing and laying 4″ thick. Flagging concrete with P.C.C. 1:4:8 using 40mm and downgrade granite aggregate including necessary compaction, nominal edge shuttering, finishing the nominal edge with 3/4″ thick cement mortar including curing, etc. complete.
  • Anti-termite treatment.
  • Soling if required
  • Chicken mesh wall using chicken mesh and applying a thick coat of cement mortar on both sides, including plastering
  • Providing and fixing Grill for utility wall (Not Included)
  • Acid wash and sunken pointing
  • Acid wash for floor tiles
  • Site levelling
  • Removal of debris from the site

ADDITIONAL WORKS: Extra amount to be paid

  • Providing and constructing underground Sump tank including necessary excavation and Providing PCC 1 : 4 : 8, 6″ thick,  RCC base slab 1:1.5:3, 6 ” thick RCC cover slab 4.5″ thick and 9 ” thick first class TM Brick walls and providing  necessary steps including waterproof plastering, curing, etc., with polyurethane coating.
  • Only RCC sump tank. Spec same as above with complete RCC
  • Providing and constructing Compound wall in burnt brick masonry 4 1/2″ thick. of 4’6″ height with three courses of a foundation, 4′ the. DPC in CC 1:3:6 including plastering etc., complete but excluding painting. Front side 100 feet required
  • Providing and fixing sintex overhead tank with all necessary fitting, etc., complete.
  • Providing and fixing compound wall gate with 2 “square tubes around and 1/2 ” twisted bars at 4 ” spacing with necessary hinges and fittings.
  • Unbreakable glass window: actual rates to be paid extra


  • Earth Work
  • Concrete Work
  • Reinforced Cement Concrete
  • Masonry
  • Iron and Steelworks.
  • Paving’s / Flooring.
  • Plaster
  • Painting and Decoration
  • Woodwork
  • Miscellaneous
  • Electrification (Anchor wire with Roma Modular with Inverter provision)
  • Sanitation with hot water prov. in bath/kitchen

(ESS ESS, CERA fittings)

Ground Floor + First Floor = Total area

All quantities taken in the estimate are based on the house plans and elevation given by the architect, who the owner appoints.
This is an approximate estimate. Quantities may vary based on the structural details and site condition.

4.7/5 - (149 votes)

Comments 27

  1. This is by far the best and detailed information site for the people dreaming to build their house….. 5 stars for the Architects4desigm team…. My sincerest gratitude and appreciation…

  2. Hi i wanted to construct 1st floor on 30×40 site east facing south road, give me plan & cost for construction.

  3. Hey team … greetings. very nice and detailed information.

    I have been a builder my self and actively doing residential and commercial projects. now the prices in the market is as follows. (as on 1st April 2017)
    most of the prices you have mentioned are right and for standard materials. but few of them like,

    1. M SAND (water washed – suitable for coloumn concrete) is Rs.40/- cft
    2. M sand DUST (with less aggregate) is Rs.35/- per cft
    3. Solid cement block 6 inches of Good quality is Rs.30/- per block (Apco company blocks are Rs.45/- each)
    4. Solid cement block 4 inches of Good quality is Rs.26/- per block
    5. 20 mm jelly is Rs.25/- per cft.
    6. Plastering Quality sand Rs.58/- to Rs.65/- per cft

    Some times the prices depends on the working site condition and the distance between the supplier and location of the construction.

    If any one require more information, please contact me.

    • Thank you Mr Krishna for sharing addition details regarding building contractors rates. We are in the process of updating this page with more detailed cost which will be done soon. We really appreciate for your valuable time given to us by sharing such informative details.

  4. Mahesh Channappa

    Top website with lots of detailed info. Hats off to your team.

  5. I am having 30*40 site at @ Ramumurthy nagar west facing
    so please share the quotation for Duplex House

    • Can you share your email.

  6. Hi,
    I am planning to construct 30*50 site ,G floor in KR puram. Please share full contract amount and specifications.

  7. Hi sir, i have a site 25 X 25 in a residential area and the road width is 15 feet,old RCC ground and partly built first floor is existing on the site. i want 1bhk in ground along with parking, 2bhk in upper two floors.can u pls give me a approximate amount for this construction.

  8. One of the Best website i have ever seen to guide common public on building Planning & construction. Great job.!!!

  9. Hi, this is Sangeetha and am looking to construct 30/40 duplex for rent with 1 double room with parking at ground floor and 2 single room on the first floor pls help me with the estimated cost.

  10. Hi, I am Santosh Singh and planning to construct a house in Konanakunte on a 30×40 plot. requirement is ground floor parking + 1 2bhk and first floor duplex house and in second floor one 2 bhk and on the 3rd floor one big room. please share the estimate.

  11. Hi,

    This is the best and informative site of construction I have ever seen. My sincerest gratitude and appreciation. I am having North facing 4000 Sq feet site wanted to construct 35/35 duplex in Harruhalli Kanakpura road. so please share the quotation for Duplex House

  12. Hi,

    I have 371sft south facing in JP Nagar 7th phase. I want to construct 3 floors ground floor 1bhk with parking and 1st floor I need duplex so please share the construction cost.

    • I am 15*40 site in bangalure constrction pf new builing g+2 please give qution for constrction

  13. Hello Sir,
    I am planning to construct GF and First Floor. [ 30×40 Site], TC PALYA, RAMAMURTHY NAGAR
    GF – Parking for 2 Cars, 2 two-wheeler space, 1 BHK house for rent.
    FF – 2 BHK house
    Site – SOUTHWEST facing corner site
    Preferred Door Facing – North.
    Please share plan, Thanks. Nanda

  14. can u pls do needfull that i need full boq details specification for apartment work which includes all civill related work which includes plumbing and electrical till the completion of work can u pls do need full regarding this

    • Hi If anyone interested n Plans and BOQ or estimates, Please contact me I am Srinivas-Civil Engineer 8867330518, Having more than 12 years of Work Experience and Graduated from M S Ramaiah Institute of technology, 2006

  15. Hi, very nice website with detailed information.
    I am planning to construct a house (G+3) in 30×40 plot, can you please provide me the quotation for that. Below is my specification.
    GF: 2 Car parking + one 2BHK house
    FF: Duplex 3 BHK house where FF should have 2 Bedrooms and SF(50%) should have one bedroom + Balcony
    SF: With other 50% another 2 BHK house
    TF: one 2BHK + one 1BHK house for rental purpose.

    Quotation should also include interiors as well like Kitchen cabinets, wardrobes in all rooms,and so on.


  17. hi information shared is very useful…

  18. Hi team,
    good job by providing so much in detail.I need to know the cost for a plot (30*40) near kalyan nagar
    ground- 1 car parking space + 2 bhk
    first floor-require 2 houses ,1 bhk+2bhk
    second floor-require 2 houses ,1 bhk+2bhk

  19. Hello Team,

    I am planning to start build my duplex, please provide me quotation and high level your view with design so that we can considered you and make deal.

    plot size 38.7 ft 51.9 ft (2000 sq ft)
    plot is east facing east side 25ft road.
    This is come under grampanchayat.


    1. 2 Bedroom (1 bed room attached bathroom)
    2. 1 Kitchen
    3. 1 Living Room
    4. 1 pooja room can be considered in Kitchen or separate
    5. 1 common Bathroom
    6. staircase for go up from living room
    7. 2 parking space
    8. Dry balcony

    First Floor
    1. 1 master bedroom (attached bathroom)
    2. 1 kid bedroom (attached bathroom)
    3. 1 guest room
    4. 1 leaving room
    5. 1 common bathroom

    This is the requirement.

    Please let me know your quotation.

  20. The website is very informative with all details. Want to know whether you take up addition/ alteration of an existing residential building? Thanks

  21. What would be the cost of constructing a (G+5) building in Central Bangalore with a floor plate of 1200 sft. The building comprises of 6 residential flats. It would be an RCC framed structure with vitreous tiled floors, sliding aluminium windows and commercial quality plumbing fittings and fixtures.

  22. Really , i had a clear picture about the buildings, i plan to build. Thank you very much for creating knowledge and awareness.


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