Modern Architecture

Modern architecture is classified by simplifying form and creating decoration from the theme and structure of the building. The first modern architecture variants were built early in the twentieth century.

As architects based in Bangalore, we follow creative concepts with the new design implementation method. Modern architecture was implemented by several architectural educators and influential architects, achieved popularity after World War II, and continues as a leading architectural style for corporate and institutional buildings in the twenty-first century. is one of the most reputed architectural firms in Bangalore. We have created several modern architecture designs and traditional architecture designs for both residential and commercial buildings.

The classification of modern architecture. Modern architecture is generally characterized by:

  • An implementation of the machine aesthetic
  • An implementation of  the principle which the functional and material requirements determine the  outcome
  • An emphasis on vertical and horizontal lines
  • Form follows function
  • Elimination of unnecessary detail and a simplification of  shape or form
  • Adoption of an expressed structure
  • A creation of decoration utilizing the theme and structure of the building or elimination of the adornment.

Architecture is the practice of physical structures and design buildings.  It is generally considered art and science because a huge amount of technical knowledge is essential to implement a building design made from nothing.

We consider several factors while constructing a home or building to know the current cost of construction Bangalore finishes, such as texture, mass, light or shadow materials, technology, construction, and cost.  All of these aspects are influenced to create a final design that appears both functional and aesthetically pleasant.

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